Immunity Boosting Foods

Things are looking like they are going to s l o w l y return to some version of normal around here. Plans have been announced to begin re-opening businesses and new rules in place for how we go forward. And as we go forward, I imagine we’d all like to put the healthiest versions of ourselves back into the world. That’s why I’ve been working on this piece about foods to boost your immune system! Of course, keep in mind, there is NO CURE and NO KNOWN PREVENTION for corona virus. That is NOT what I am trying to say here. However, these foods have been shown to optimize the human immune system. And that’s pretty much the best thing we can do for ourselves anyway.

But why should we use food and not simply supplements? The answer is simple. 70 percent of your immune system is IN your digestive tract! The fastest, easiest, most delicious way to get nutrients to the body is through the food you eat! If your “gut” is off, chances are your immune system isn’t at its peak performance either. Nature gives us the best combinations to improve not only our immune system but our health overall! That’s why I would much prefer to get my nutrition through food than supplements when I can.

In doing the research for this article I found there were three vitamins that turns up again and again in the list of foods that can boost your immunity. They were Vitamins A, c and K. These three, along with a few other elements seem to be contained in almost every food I found filed under immunity system improvement in my coursework. It turns out they do each play a part in critical immune functions.

Vitamin A promotes the creation of T-cells. T-cells are the white blood cells that fight infection - my dad used to actually tell us the cutest, most ridiculous bed time story when we were sick of the “epic battle” going on inside our bodies, including T-cells with voices and some sound effects. It’s no wonder I’m such a nerd! Anyway, Vitamin A not only helps create T-cells, it specifically helps their ability to identify a foreign cell; preventing an auto-immune response.

Vitamin C is something we’re all rather familiar with. It’s talked about a LOT. And rightfully so. It’s been found to reduce the severity and duration of the common cold and can help prevent or reduce an upper respiratory infection. The body uses up a lot of Vitamin C while fighting an infection. While it’s not necessary to take it daily for prevention, you’re better off amping it up if you feel sick. In either case, the body easily eliminates excess Vitamin C so don’t worry about overdoing it.

Vitamin K is actually critical for blood building, clotting and bone building. All of which are critical elements of healing but more from a physical injury than an infection. When I dove a little deeper I found that Vitamin K is also critical in helping the body eliminate dead or unhealthy cells! Cells that are no longer functioning, are not reproducing properly (cancer, for example, are cells that are reproducing too rapidly), or are otherwise not needed must be escorted out of the body! And Vitamin K plays a role in that function.

I’m looking forward to being able to hug friends and family again. And to spend time out at restaurants and bars. But I’m also wanting to get out there a little ahead of myself, and hopefully in better shape than when we were all shut in! Check out the video below along with the full list of 37 Foods to Boost Your Immunity!

*If you have any questions or concerns about the foods included here, please contact your doctor before adding them into your diet. And as always, listen to YOUR body! You’ll know which of these works well for you and which don’t.


Serves 1

4-5 mint leaves
1 small knob of ginger, grated
1 slice of lemon
dash of cayenne pepper
1 tsp. apple cider vinegar
1 tsp. honey
1 C. hot water

Combine all ingredients in a mug. Let steep for 3 minutes. Sip slowly and enjoy being well!